Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby. Let’s Talk About . . . ME



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Sex has always been a topic that has enthralled me. While a virgin, I made sure everyone was aware that I had chosen to save myself for marriage. Despite my physical purity, I read erotica novels and loved listening to stories about my peers’ sexcapades. So, although I chose not to have sex while my friends bragged about how great it was, I could have authored a series of sex novels.

I waited to have sex simply because I was told that was what good Christians did. I was also afraid of getting pregnant. My mother was a teen mom and she made sure that I would not repeat her mistakes. My mother believed that if she, the quiet and reserved daughter, could become pregnant as a teenager, there was no doubt that I, the talkative and outgoing daughter, would as well. Ultimately, I remained a virgin because that is what was expected of me. Yes, it is really as simple as that. No, I did not stay a virgin because I believed that it was pleasing to God. I stayed a virgin because I wanted to appear to be perfect; it was all a facade. I felt pressured to be the perfect daughter, the perfect granddaughter, the perfect older sister, the perfect cousin, the perfect student, the perfect dancer, the perfect athlete, the perfect bastard child born to a teenage girl. Then one day I decided to rebel against those expectations and told my boyfriend (he was not my first boyfriend), who was not a virgin, that I was finally ready to lose my virginity. I wish that I could say that I loved him but I did not. Soon after, my family moved to another state. Let me clarify, the move was not a surprise to me. I felt free enough to rebel and have sex because I knew that I was going to move and would not have to deal with the consequences. WOW! Wasn’t I a manipulative coward.

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Enemy of Your Harvest: Gossip


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“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:8-9 ESV

Read it again but this time in a different translation: “Keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. And fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising him always. Put into practice the example of all that you have heard from me or seen in my life and the God of peace will be with you in all things.” Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭8‬-‭9‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Gossip kills relationships. Gossip kills opportunities. Gossip kills confidence. Gossip kills reputations. Gossip kills celebration. Gossip, whether you actively participate or merely listen in, clouds your perspective. Gossip kills your witness as a Christian.

During this time of harvest we have to be very vigilant to not allow the enemy to sow tares in our soil. No matter how innocent the conversation or the speaker’s intentions might seem, those tares grow into weeds and weeds, although harmless in appearance, eventually choke out your harvest.

Paul says to “practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you” (verse 9). Your peace is robbed every time you permit the enemy to sow tares into your heart and mind.


How can you earnestly trust the reputation of a person after hearing gossip about them? What type of reputation are you building if people think of you as a person who constantly gossips? Can you honestly trust the person who comes to you with gossip?

How can you celebrate the promotion of the person you were gossiping about without feeling like a fraud? Even if all you did was listen, a tare was sown. Even if you refuted what was said, a tare was sown.

Can you confidently walk into a room in which gossipers are present? Can you confidently walk into a room with people you have gossiped about?

Is gossip keeping you away from your destiny helper? Is gossip causing you to misjudge someone?

How to Handle Gossip

Set an atmosphere that permits only edifying conversations by doing the following:

(a) read the Bible for God’s perspective on gossip;

(b) shutting down gossip every time it begins;

(c) changing your language so that your words always build up and never break down. Changing your language will help to cause you to become disgusted by gossip; and

(d) making people feel just as uncomfortable about gossiping as you feel having to listen to it.

Gossip hurts us all and is a major enemy of your harvest/progress. Let’s be better people and refuse tolerate gossip. It’s not easy work but it’s necessary work. Live loved.